Immigration Judge Asylum Grant Rates 2025setting

Immigration Judge Asylum Grant Rates 2025setting - One surprise for me was the low grant rate for asylum cases in immigration court. The overall approval rate for court cases in fy 2023 was only 14. 40%, which is slightly better. Compared to judge grogan's denial rate of 31. 1 percent, immigration court judges across the country denied 63. 8 percent of asylum claims during this same period. Grant rates averaged 46%, up from 36% in fy 2025. Not only were more asylum applications granted by immigration judges than ever before, but many asylum cases moved. The Rock Without Prosthetic Foreheadfav Page Create

One surprise for me was the low grant rate for asylum cases in immigration court. The overall approval rate for court cases in fy 2023 was only 14. 40%, which is slightly better. Compared to judge grogan's denial rate of 31. 1 percent, immigration court judges across the country denied 63. 8 percent of asylum claims during this same period. Grant rates averaged 46%, up from 36% in fy 2025. Not only were more asylum applications granted by immigration judges than ever before, but many asylum cases moved.

Immigration Judge Asylum Grant Rates 2025setting