Packing Copypasta
Packing Copypasta - This is a bot, and this action. Ants be using your grandma's buttcrack as a slip n slide! In fact, you finna pull up to yo grandmother's funeral dressed up as a rabid orangutan! Packgod vs discord furry. Shut up boy you. Nigga shut the fuck up you eat rocks for dinner pikachu flashed his eyed when he saw you uglyass holy shit sonic dash mario run juicy buns 24 guns got the puns nigga shut your. Packgod vs jack doherty “you look like justin bieber. Go to copypasta r/copypasta. Boi you nasty as shit boi ima get to the cooking on yo dumbass my neck is longer than a 3 day weekend fuck wrong with you boi you nasty as. Copypastatext is the largest database of copypasta serving as an archive of copypasta's origin, context and variations. Copy and paste every pasta with a click! For real though you really thought i wasn't gonna get packing ya lil nasty ahh boy. You need somebody to stand up right… to look you in your eyes… and for once… for once… in your life! To just tell you… to shut the fuck uuuuup!!! Tell me why you can add currency and a donkey with prinppa to add ten pieces and ten rooms and collect regularly. Bell and buy tf metal, make a little boy. This is a bot, and this action. Ants be using your grandma's buttcrack as a slip n slide! In fact, you finna pull up to yo grandmother's funeral dressed up as a rabid orangutan! Packgod vs discord furry. Shut up boy you.
This is a bot, and this action. Ants be using your grandma's buttcrack as a slip n slide! In fact, you finna pull up to yo grandmother's funeral dressed up as a rabid orangutan! Packgod vs discord furry. Shut up boy you. Nigga shut the fuck up you eat rocks for dinner pikachu flashed his eyed when he saw you uglyass holy shit sonic dash mario run juicy buns 24 guns got the puns nigga shut your.